This article describes step by how to enable the built-in Anti Spam Check function for a Domino Blog (dominoblog.ntf) . Using this built-in Anti Spam Check there is no need to use Captcha's or other anti-spam defence mechanisms on the comment for for blob postings.
When readers post comments to your DominoBlog based Blog you want to know about it. The standard Domino blog (based on dominoblog.ntf template) provides an easy way to enable the notification, which unfortunately is not enabled by default. This article describes how, and also describes another ...
This article describes step by step how to change the look and feel of the Domino Blog (dominoblog.ntf) Homepage. Changes describes are 1. Left column with Person card and Tag-cloud is removed and content is merged into the right column 2. Photo is added 3. Name next to the photo is removed 4. ...